
Organic from the very beginning

Organic & Slow

Slowfood, clearly

  • Regional, when possible.

  • Authentic and homemade.

  • Honouring our resources.

"ONE Menu. Eat and Enjoy"

Finally! No difficulties choosing...
In good Tannerhof tradition and for the sake of sustainability we provide no à la carte food or a choice of menues. We cook ONE FIXED MENU every day. That goes for Fasting, Schlanke Tanne and our Restaurant Pool alike.

What else to know?
We like seating our guests - even at mixed tables. Because eating divinely PLUS meeting lovely new people is something utterly enjoyable!
If you prefer a private table please inform us beforehand.

Organic & Slow
Organic & Slow



Chef Pauls‘ direct backup is Sous Chef Fabian Fischer and Chef for dietary cooking, Martin Wosnitzka. Lisa creates the beautiful breakfast etagères along with the sweet little Salad’n’Soup trays for lunch. Maxi is a trainee we wouldn’t want to miss anymore. Along with these five there are about 10 more kitchen heroes, including trainees and kitchen porters who all work hard and happily for the culinary artwork at the Tannerhof.

The restaurant wouldn't be the same without

Edi Bergmann & TEAM

He has been conducting his numerous team smoothly for 9 years now, leaving our guests all smiles when it comes to the fulfilling pleasure of eating great food in a fine atmosphere.

Organic & Slow
Organic & Slow

We are an ABCert certified organic kitchen and restaurant

We follow the SLOWFOOD philosophy.

F&B is a Gold-BIOLAND Partner.

For several years we have been members of the regional corporation of the WERTEPRODUZENTEN - Producers of Worth.

We are inspired by the EAT-Lancet Commission and their global planetary health diet that is healthy for both people and planet. Vegetables are King&Queen!

Organic & Slow
Organic & Slow

Thank you for your interest in our package »«. Please reserve one of our rooms first and then proceed with the package:

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